Fuel Your Motivation

Well , it's the last week of January...do you know what that means?

It means that anywhere from 64% - 98% of us have given up on our New Year's resolutions already.

So, does that mean it was all a waste of time and energy? Certainly not.

I'm not "anti-" many things, but I am "anti-resolution". Here's why: in addition to our brain's wiring that doesn't like dramatic changes, resolutions are really an indicator of something else we long for or need. Something more meaningful (and likely long term) is just under the surface.

If you resolved to lose 20 pounds...maybe you really want to be able to hike the Grand Canyon on vacation with your kids this year.

If you resolved to journal every day...maybe you really want a moment of time alone with your thoughts.

If you resolved to eat salad 3x a week...maybe you really want a healthier lifestyle so you can be active with your grandkids.

Your vision is important. Listening to your body and your brain as a guide is key. It fuels your motivation when you don't want to work out, skip journaling for two days, and order the hamburger. You can always go back to your vision. Always.

So, don't make it any harder on yourself than it has to be!

Use your natural preferences as a guide for how to keep going!


4 Tips for Giving and Receiving Feedback


Your Brain and Gratitude